Music Notion
Where REAL Music Talks
‘Sometimes I Wonder’ Natasha Vroegindeweij
Words: A. Murray.
With her first single, ‘Sometimes I Wonder’, Natasha Vroegindeweij transports us to a place where only harmony belongs, and it is just breathtaking! It isn’t easy to think that this is Natasha’s first single because she has the voice of an angel, and many would mistake her for an artist with many more releases under her belt!

Musically speaking, ‘Sometimes I Wonder’ is light, but in terms of passion and vocal projection, it packs a powerful punch. The lyrics are from the heart, and Natasha speaks openly and honestly about despair, as well as frequently questioning one’s own direction in life and attempting to determine what is most beneficial for sanity.
Scotland is not short of stand-out vocalists, and they have a new name to add to their long list with Natasha.